26/2/1958 - 15/3/1995
Record updated 26-Feb-07
Silvio Oltra was an Argentine racing driver who died when the helicopter, piloted by Carlos Menem Jr, son of the president of Argentina, struck power lines while taking off.
Silvio Oltra was an Argentine race car driver. He died when the helicopter that was being piloted by Carlos Menem Jr, son of the president of Argentina, struck power lines while taking off.
The helicopter struck a 3-inch diameter powerline wire about 200 meters above the ground. Silvio Oltra was a friend of Carlos Menem, Jr. and they were en route to Rosario, about 190 miles North of Buenos Aires for a race scheduled for March 19.
Zulema Yoma, the president’s ex-wife, accused "the president’s entourage" for the death of her son, claiming that the mafia was responsible.
Witnesses alleged that the fuselage of the helicopter bore the perforations of possible bullits. However the wreckage of the helicopter was disposed of and with it any relevant evidence. There was also some speculation that metal fragments were found in Silvio's head which here not in keeping with tooth fillings and which could have been bullits.
Further suspicion was raised by the fact that the guards assigned to accompany Carlos that day did not travel in the helicopter, by order of their supervisor, and that there was no security assigned on the helicopter.