12/9/1910 - 12/8/1985
Record updated 13-Nov-06
Billy was saved from drowning by his father when the ship they were on sank en route to Argentina. He later went on to race the 6 wheel Pat Clancy Special at Indy in 1948.
Son of Earl Devore, pre-war Indianapolis star. He was saved by his father in the sinking of the SS Vestris in 1928. Earl was then attacked by sharks and died after his cries for help were ignored by a nearby lifeboat.
Billy was involved in the accident at Lakewood in 1946 that took the lives of George Robson and George Barringer. Unable to see the stricken car of Billy because of the dust, Robson slammed into DeVore and was in turn hit by several other cars. Ted Horn, who eventually won the race, stopped and tried to flag down oncoming drivers, but failed because of the dust.
Billy raced the 6 wheel Pat Clancy Special at Indy in 1948. This was a 4WD machine with power going to two rear axles. It was amazingly quick in a straightline but difficult to get around corners a slight problem on an oval track.