0/0/0 - 28/8/1954
Record updated 15-Jul-21
Joe Quinn was from Derry died racing in the Wakefield Trophy at the Curragh effectively ending road racing in Kildare.
Joe Quinn was from Derry. He died in 1954 driving a V/8 engined Special at the Curragh. Roughly twenty minutes before the end of the Wakefield Trophy, he touched wheels with another car that he was overtaking on the approach to Ballymany corner. Quinn’s car left the road and the bonnet shot up and obscured his view as he headed towards a tightly packed spectator area. A young soldier who was acting as a crowd marshal and a spectator were killed instantly when they were hit by the car as it crashed through a rope barrier. Several other spectators were injured. Quinn lost his life as the rope became entangled around his neck.
The crash effectively ended open-road car racing in Kildare.
Eddie Irvine
Tommy Byrne
Dave Kennedy
Eddie Jordan
Joe Quinn
Joe Kelly
Damien Magee
Derek Daly
Hugh Hamilton
Fay Taylour